NAAC Unpublished Data

Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA)->
College wise Committee Orders->
 College of Agriculture, Gwalior-
  1. Committee for SC-ST (CoA, Gwalior)
  2. Grievance Redressal Committee (CoA, Gwalior)
  3. Internal Complaint Committee (CoA, Gwalior)
  4. Anti-ragging Committee (CoA, Gwalior)
  5. OBC Cell Committee (CoA, Gwalior)
 College of Agriculture, Indore-
  1. Committee for SC-ST (CoA, Indore)
  2. Grievance Redressal Committee (CoA, Indore)
  3. Internal Complaint Committee (CoA, Indore)
  4. Anti-ragging Committee (CoA, Indore)
  5. OBC Cell Committee (CoA, Indore)
 College of Agriculture, Sehore-
  1. Committee for SC-ST (CoA, Sehore)
  2. Grievance Redressal Committee (CoA, Sehore)
  3. Internal Complaint Committee (CoA, Sehore)
  4. Anti-ragging Committee (CoA, Sehore)
  5. OBC Cell Committee (CoA, Sehore)
 College of Agriculture, Khandwa-
  1. Committee for SC-ST (CoA, Khandwa)
  2. Grievance Redressal Committee (CoA, Khandwa)
  3. Internal Complaint Committee (CoA, Khandwa)
  4. Anti-ragging Committee (CoA, Khandwa)
  5. OBC Cell Committee (CoA, Khandwa)
 College of Horticulture, Mandsaur-
  1. Committee for SC-ST (CoH, Mandsaur)
  2. Grievance Redressal Committee (CoH, Mandsaur)
  3. Internal Complaint Committee (CoH, Mandsaur)
  4. Anti-ragging Committee (CoH, Mandsaur)
  5. OBC Cell Committee (CoH, Mandsaur)


Ragging Reports of Colleges->
 College of Agriculture, Gwalior- Ragging Report_CoA Gwalior
 College of Agriculture, Indore- Ragging Report_CoA Indore
 College of Agriculture, Sehore- Ragging Report_CoA Sehore
 College of Agriculture, Khandwa- Ragging Report_CoA Khandwa
Proceedings of IQAC Meetings->
  1. IQAC Meeting_18.07.2022
  2. IQAC Meeting_11.01.2023
  3. IQAC Meeting_14.08.2023
  4. IQAC Meeting_13.02.2024